

Basic (FREE)
Annual Individual Membership
Annual Professional Membership
Number of participations (offers for providers, posts for buyers) 5 bids/posts Unlimited Unlimited
Number of credits 5 credits 20 credits 100 credits
Number of registered skills Up to 2 Up to 10 Unlimited
Interviews Yes Yes Yes
Participation to the Private Wall No Unlimited Unlimited
Display in the home page In 2 skills In 10 skills Unlimited skills
Ability to post closed procedure projects No Yes Yes
Creation of teams


None 1 team with unlimited number of providers Unlimited number of teams
Participation in 1 team Participation in unlimited number of teams Unlimited number of participations
Personal messages service

With their team members With their team members With their team members
With their team's buyer With their team's buyers With their team's buyers
Advertisement in a category (home page) No No Yes
Participation in the “Play avec freelancing” Yes Yes Yes
Charge Free 50 €/year 220 €/year
Commission per project No commission / project No commission / project No commission / project

Choose your membership


Annual Individual Membership

Annual Professional Membership