Buyers guidelines

Buyers can easily post their projects and manage them through the Buyers Panel.

The process to post a project is the following:

The tab New Project, shows the panel where you can post a new project. Before you click on the Submit button, you need to fill all the required fields. While posting a new project, make sure you describe clearly and accurately the demands you have on the particular job and on the required expertise, in order to get the proper bids from our providers.

After you fill in the proper fields, you have to take some steps for the providers’ notification. First, you must check all the fields of expertise which are relevant to the project you have posted (Expertise checkboxes are regularly updated). In case you would like to add an expertise that is not included in the current expertise list, you can type the relevant keyword in the search field and notify any providers who may have used this particular word in their profiles. If you wish to send notification emails only to providers from a particular country or region, you can do it by using the Country and Region fields.

Emails are automatically sent to providers when the buyer presses the button Send.

While posting a project, there is the option Invitation Only. In this case, the project gets posted via the Closed Procedure, in which the buyer can invite only the providers he would prefer to work with.

By choosing the Μanaged type of project, takes the responsibility to invite the providers and manage the project. In this case, after the project gets posted, the buyer gets linked to our e-shop in order to buy it.

The tab Your Posted Projects includes all your existing posted projects and the corresponding offers. Remember that there is an option to edit or delete your posted projects.

General tips for buyers

  • Get in touch with the bidding providers and call them for an online interview before accepting any bids.
  • Visit the professional profiles of the providers who have bid for your project and learn more about themselves and their work.
  • Check out any comments by previous employers of the providers you are interested in, so that you get some clues for the quality of their work and their professional behavior.
  • If you are not sure about the provider you are about to hire, you can first assign him a smaller project, so that you can evaluate his abilities and skills in advance.
  • If you are satisfied by your collaboration with a specific provider, you are able to invite him personally to bid directly for another project you may post.
  • Evaluate in a fair way the providers you have worked with and give them the credits you believe they deserve for their work.
  • For even better results in the fulfillment of your projects, please do not hesitate to post a managed project and ask for our own guideness.